Experience the transformative power of angelic guidance as you embark on a journey of spiritual growth, healing, and self-discovery. At SHIRSH WELLNESS, our experienced practitioners offer intuitive sessions facilitated by divine angelic beings to provide insight, clarity, and support on your path towards holistic well-being.



Tarot Card Readings

Tap into the wisdom of the Tarot with our intuitive Tarot card readings. Gain insight into your life path, relationships, career, and spiritual journey as our skilled practitioners interpret the cards and channel guidance from angelic beings.


Receive clarity, guidance, and validation on life situations and decisions. Connect with your intuition and higher guidance for empowered decision-making and spiritual growth.


Pendulum Dowsing Sessions

Harness the power of pendulum dowsing to receive answers to your most pressing questions. Our practitioners use a pendulum to access divine guidance and provide clarity on various aspects of your life.


Obtain clear, concise answers to your questions. Gain insight into underlying energies and patterns influencing your current circumstances. Access guidance from higher realms for personal and spiritual transformation.

How It Works?

During an Angelic Guidance session, our practitioners create a sacred space to connect with divine angelic beings and channel their wisdom and guidance. Whether through Tarot card readings or pendulum dowsing, the practitioner acts as a conduit for divine messages, offering insight, clarity, and support tailored to your unique needs and concerns.

Benefits of Angelic Guidance

Clarity and Insight

Gain clarity and insight into your life path, purpose, and potential future outcomes.

Validation and Confirmation

Receive validation and confirmation of your intuitive hunches and inner guidance.

Healing and Transformation

 Experience healing and transformation as you receive guidance and support from divine angelic beings.

Book Your Session

Ready to receive angelic guidance and support on your journey towards holistic well-being? Book a session with one of our experienced practitioners today. Sessions can be conducted in person or remotely, providing flexibility and convenience for your schedule.